April 2024 News

Thanks for the attendance at the last meeting. Just a couple reminders

May 20th is target delivery day. 1st stop is at Richmond then to ATSA. We’ll have a time frame a few days before delivery. 

Tuesday night trap is catching on, thanks to the folks who arrive early to help set up. Targets should look more legit after I did some leveling with the trap. Will see you tonight! 

May 5th is our Modern Skeet Shoot. 50 target event for $25 entry. $5 from each entry goes to purse for 2/3 winner and 1/3 runner up.We will start shooting at 9am this day. Will have a sign up sheet or email us and we will build squads.

Last reminder is on me as Sunday morning the 5 stand remote was missing. Well I found it in my vehicle so it wasn’t far, but I had brought it home with me on Saturday.  Just a reminder when closing up.

Remotes back in club house☆
Power is off☆
Doors are locked☆
Locks are spun from entry combo when entering☆

Thanks and happy shooting, Pentti

2024 Upcoming Spring /Summer Calendar Notes

I want to thank everyone for a great rainy day and well attended March Monthly meeting.  Please put this date in your calendar, Monday May 20th for our Target delivery day. It’s been since 2022 of our last delivery and with many hands all went smooth.  We’ll get back to you regarding exact delivery time.

I planned a clean up day too soon. April 6th is CANCELLED as a lot of us have signed up for shooting this day in Scarborough.

Starting this coming April 2nd, we’ll have Tuesday nights with Trap shooting at 6pm for the working folks Dick P. and Dave D.(retired folks) will help with setting up.  I think after some practice we need to get this into a league night or something to keep score. 

Also starting April 1st and 3rd Sundays will be Pyramid 5 stand with Molly and Steve.  Keeping us sharp for the sporting circuit.

Moose Maine Kids is an organization we will be working with later this summer (Saturday July 20th), they help get kids involved in the outdoors.  https://moosemainekids.com/

Thanks Pentti

Short Winter Update

Greetings all,

Thanks to the folks that made Sunday’s Monthly meeting.  Wanted to give Molly and Steve a thanks for the 50 degree day and hours of 5 stand shooting, and thanks to those who also assisted elsewhere.

A target order will be placed after the March meeting.   I’ll be working on the trap field again as the trap is acting up and I’ve been in touch with Pat trap.

On another note, we’ve already hit over 100 members after the February meeting which is awesome.

Thanks to all again and happy shooting,
